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The sixth "China - ASEAN Education Exchange Week" - "Chinese Bridge - Thai school principals visit Tour "will be held September 16 to 22 in Guizhou Normal College
2013-09-18 07:49  

According to the provincial government's unified plan and requirements, the provincial education department of international cooperation and exchange office arrangement, in 2013 the sixth "China - ASEAN Education Cooperation Week" - "Chinese Bridge - Thai school principals visit Tour "will be held September 16 to 22 in Guizhou Normal College. The Visiting tour, Officials from the Thai Ministry of Education, school administrators, vocational college managers, administrators and education experts about more than 20 people composed of Thai Delegation will work with Guizhou Normal College. The cooperation programs conclude friendship bridge, access to Guizhou Education , the integration of two cultures, explore bilateral educational development.

Activities combined sixth "China - ASEAN Education Cooperation Week" needs, will be held Presidents Forum, fairs and other activities, the activity provides two opportunities about the province principals and education experts exchange and discussion for the delegation .Inviting renowned experts group make lectures for principals, these lectures involved in China's national conditions, Guizhou provincial situation and educational development seminars a field. Principals group will arranged visits universitiy, vocational college, high school, primary school each one. The Activity arrangements also special emphasis on cultural exchanges and visits scenic combination of principal mission will be organized to visit Anshun Huangguoshu Falls, Southeast Xijiang Miao Village, Guiyang appearance of the city; visits campus cultural activities. Finally, will be held "Chinese Bridge" China - ASEAN heads delegation to Guizhou summary, inviting all members of the ASEAN heads and some domestic groups, the province of school principals to participate, listen to both sides of this activity principals feelings and opinions and suggestions on the project and so on.

Implementation of the project, allowing Thailand Headmaster Delegation to better understand China's national conditions, the situation and development of education in Guizhou, let these headmasters enjoy the beautiful scenery and the colorful culture of Guizhou Province. Through those educational exchanges and discussions and other activities, we look forward to getting opportunities for bilateral exchanges and cooperation, enhance the international influence of education in our province.

Entering Guizhou Normal College

Having a close touch with Guizhou Education

The head of Thai Minister of Education Deputy Minister Watcharin Jumpee with members of Delegation warmly welcomed by Guizhou Normal College

Taking photos with Confucius, enjoying the charming Chinese culture

This is Yin Zhen, also a great ancient Chinese educator

Writing down the good wishes for Guizhou Normal College

keeping impression

版权所有:贵州师范学院 对外交流合作处 邮政编码:550018
贵州省贵阳市乌当区高新路115号 黔ICP备11003137